Sector Transport & Logistics
Technical Training, Local Content, Workforce and Logistic Management Services
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services: Transport & Logistics
- all services
- Soft Skills Training
- Short Courses and Safety Training
- Technical and Certification Training
- Crew Management
- Vessel Technical Management and Administration
- Workforce and Manpower Projects
ECITB certified, industry-recognized, hands-on Welding Courses.
A dynamic instruction to help employees in different stages becoming immediately effective.
Valuable competencies like team-working and communication that enable people to work effectively.
The basic principles to extinguish fires can prevent major accidents that cost millions.
For rapid intervention and quick stabilization of severe or life-threatening trauma or illness.
The industry-recognized ECITB International Health & Safety Passport (IHSP).
We developed this practical course for people working in specific industries and sectors.
How to enter, work, exit, and respond quickly to hazards in risky confined spaces.
Appropriate not just for scaffolding and construction but for a range of industries. ECITB certified.
Hands-on, safety-oriented, and industry-recognized Courses.