09 Jun 2020
Staff Interview
Today we interview Nuno Costa de Teves, Ascending Co-founder and Executive Director for Angola.
What do you like most at Ascending?
The character of the people that work with us daily, who share the common goal of improving lives and organizations, which makes us more purposeful and effective. The set of different personalities, cultures and competencies that exists within our teams is also worth to note, and something I am grateful for.
If you could change something at ascending, what would it be?
I wish we were already able to offer training and employment to every candidate that reaches out to us seeking for an opportunity
What do you foresee for Ascending’s future?
To continue on this ascensory path of internal and external growth and optimization, with a view to delivering the quickest, simpler and flexible solutions, both to companies that partner with us to better face the different challenges posed, as well as, the professionals that look to grow, learn and seek the opportunity to do what they love most.
How do you see Ascending in 10 years time?
I see Ascending as the ideal partner for all companies and professionals that wish to build a better world, from people’s homes, all the way to the companies they serve daily
What is the secret to being a valued professional?
I believe that the easier and quicker route to becoming a valued professional, is to take pleasure from what one does, and to try to improve and be better every day, not only for one self, but also for others.
What was your biggest challenge since you entered Ascending?
To incorporate all the knowledge I had acquired previously in Engineering or Aviation making it relevant to the world of Human Resources.
What would be your recommendations for new colleagues?
Always be open to learning. Do not cease to perfect one’s abilities, nor exclude the possibility of attaining new skill-sets. The future that you look to conquer, will be a result of the present you were able to build.