

First Aid

When you work in a remote location, the distance and time for medical professionals to reach a casualty are severely increased.

That means a greater emphasis on emergency medical arrangements.

The Ascending First Aid Course enables rapid intervention in the event of severe or life-threatening trauma or illness.

The course builds on the skills acquired at the basic first aid level. It prepares trainees with skills and knowledge to quickly stabilize casualties until specialist medical treatment arrives, or until they can be safely moved to appropriate medical facilities.

The course supports trainees in taking a proactive approach to manage incidents and covers an extensive range of practical skills, including:
• Advanced airway management techniques
• Control of catastrophic bleeding
• CPR protocols including the use of AED’s
• Administration of gasses in medical emergencies including oxygen and Entonox

We offer two-level options for the First Aid course to suit your competency requirements for meeting industry standards.

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